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Восстание и падение семьи Миди Оригинальная версия подъема и падения дома Медичи Папа Флоренция Средневековья Европейская Ренессанс Английская версия импортированных исторических книг импортированных исторических книг

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Заголовок:Взлет и падение дома роста и потери Медичи
Автор: Кристофер Хибберт
Имя издательства: Пингвин
Время публикации: 2001
Английский язык
ISBN: 9780140050905
Размер товара: 14 х 2,4 х 19,7 см
Упаковка: Тихий океан
Страница: 368

Флоренция во время Ренессанса была центром европейского богатства, власти и влияния во время его расцвета.Как республиканское государство, поддерживаемое торговой и финансовой поддержкой, ее политическое правление с кровавой борьбой находится в руках богатой торговской семьи, а известная семья Миди.КнигаThe Rise and Fall of the House of Medici"Восход и падение семьи Миди"Что описано, так это история семейства Micchia, которая имеет сильную читаемость.

Комментарий СМИ:
Замечательно и читаемо……Романтический и красивый, нет недостатка драматического и кровавого убийства.
——Savervrell·Сэр сэр Сэйчевер, сидят
Кристофер·Мистер Хибеттер - очень универсальный писатель.
——Раймонд·Раймонд Мортимер

(Кристофер·Хибберт) действительно мастер.
——"Daily Telegraph"

At its height Renaissance Florence was a centre of enormous wealth, power and influence. A republican city-state funded by trade and banking, its often bloody political scene was dominated by rich mercantile families, the most famous of which were the Medici. This enthralling book charts the family's huge influence on the political, economic and cultural history of Florence. Beginning in the early 1430s with the rise of the dynasty under the near-legendary Cosimo de Medici, it moves through their golden era as patrons of some of the most remarkable artists and architects of the Renaissance, to the era of the Medici Popes and Grand Dukes, Florence's slide into decay and bankruptcy, and the end, in 1737, of the Medici line.
Эта захватывающая работа имеет огромное влияние семьи Миди в политической, экономической и культурной истории Флоренции.Содержание этой книги началось в 1950 -х годах, и династия Миди была в почти легендарном Косимо.·Достоинство·Под руководством Midiqi, золотого века их спонсоров некоторых великих художников и архитекторов во время эпохи Возрождения во время эпохи Возрождения, а затем в эпоху папы и грандиозного великого правления семьи Миди, пока Флоренция не упала в упадок и снижение и снижение, а также распад и снижение и снижение и снижение и снижение, снижение и снижение банкротства и окончание крови семьи Миди в 1737 году.
Кристофер·ХибберРодился в округе Лестер, Англия, в 1924 году, член Королевского литературного института и доктор философии в литературе в Университете Лестера, окончил колледж Ладели и Олиер в Оксфордском университете.Во время Второй мировой войны он стал пехотой, который был ранен дважды и выиграл военный крест в 1945 году.«Новый политик» называется это“Жемчужина среди биографий”, The Times описал его“Это может быть популярный историк в мире”СущностьКристофер·Хиббер имеет много похвальных работ, в том числе «Судьба короля Лагрена» (выиграл премию Heineman 1962 года), «История Лондона», «Французская революция», «История римского города», «История римского города», «История города Флоренс -Сити "и так далее.Есть два сына и дочь, которые в настоящее время живут в городе Темзы Генри.

Christopher Hibbert was born in 1924 and educated at Radley and Oriel College, Oxford. He served as an infantry officer during the war and was awarded the Military Cross in 1945. His many highly acclaimed books include the following titles: The Destruction of Lord Raglan (which won the Heinemann Award for Literature in 1962), London: The Biography of a City, The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici, The Great Mutiny: India 1857, The French Revolution, Garibaldi and His Enemies, Rome: The Biography of a City, Elizabeth I: A Personal History of the Virgin Queen, Nelson: A Personal History, George III: A Personal History and The Marlboroughs: John and Sarah Churchill 1650 - 1744. Christopher Hibbert is a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and an Hon. D. Litt. of Leicester University. He is married with two sons and a daughter, and lives in Henley-on-Thames.
One September morning in 1433, a thin man with a hooked nose and sallow skin could have been seen walking towards the steps of the Palazzo della Signoria in Florence. His name was Cosimo de’ Medici: and he was said to be one of the richest men in the world. As he entered the palace gate an official came up to him and asked him to wait in the courtyard: he would be taken up to the Council Chamber as soon as the meeting being held there was over. A few minutes later the captain of the guard told him to follow him up the stairs; but, instead of being shown into the Council Chamber, Cosimo de’ Medici was escorted up into the bell-tower and pushed into a cramped cell known as the Alberghettino— the Little Inn— the door of which was shut and locked behind him. Through the narrow slit of its single window, so he later recorded, he looked down upon the city.
It was a city of squares and towers, of busy, narrow, twisting streets, of fortress-like palaces with massive stone walls and overhanging balconies, of old churches whose façades were covered with geometrical patterns in black and white and green and pink, of abbeys and convents, nunneries, hospitals and crowded tenements, all enclosed by a high brick and stone crenellated wall beyond which the countryside stretched to the green surrounding hills. Inside that long wall there were well over 50,000 inhabitants, less than there were in Paris, Naples, Venice and Milan, but more than in most other European cities, including London— though it was impossible to be sure of the exact number, births being recorded by the haphazard method of dropping beans into a box, a black bean for a boy, a white one for a girl.
For administrative purposes the city was divided into four quartieri and each quartiere was in turn divided into four wards which were named after heraldic emblems. Every quartiere had its own peculiar character, distinguished by the trades that were carried on there and by the palaces of the rich families whose children, servants, retainers and guards could be seen talking and playing round the loggie, the colonnaded open-air meeting grounds where business was also discussed.