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Post-Keynesian Empirical Research and the Debate on Financial Market Development

Автор: Чайечи, Таха
Издательство: ссылка на бизнес -науки (15 мая 2014 г.)
Страница: 300 страниц
Английский язык
ISBN: 9781466660182
Штриховой код: 9781466660182
Вес товара: 830,00G
Размер товара: 25,40 см * 17,78 см * 2,06 см.

Выбор редактора
Current research often highlights the importance of financial markets as well as financial system development. However, the current literature in this field still fails to adequately explain the relationship between financial market and macroeconomic development. Post-Keynesian Empirical Research and the Debate on Financial Market Development integrates the concept of financial intermediaries with Post-Keynesian macroeconomic modeling to discuss the relationship between financial markets and systems and macroeconomic development. Discussing key macroeconomic variables such as investment, savings, and productivity growth, this timely resource is essential for students, academicians, as well as finance and economics professionals interested in uncovering the latest research in this field.