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Основная информация

Номер книги: 9781475755299

Автор: сушиль Джаджодия


Издательство: Springer US

Дата публикации: 2013/01/06

Английский язык

Страница: 370

краткое введение

Dear readers, Although it is well-known that confidentiality, integrity and availability are high- level objectives of information security, much of the attention in the security arena has been devoted to the confidentiality and availability aspects of security. IFIP TC-ll Working Group 11. 5 has been charged with exploring the area of the integrity objective within information security and the relationship between integrity in information systems and the overall internal control systems that are established in organizations to support the corporate governance codes. In this collection you will not only find the papers that have been presented during the first working conference dedicated to the subject (section A) but also some of the papers that have formed the basis for the current activities of this working group (section B). Finally some information about IFIP TC-ll and its working groups is included (section C). This first working conference is the start for an ongoing dialog between the information security specialists and the internal control specialists so that both may work more effectively together to assist in creating effective business systems in the future.