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Заголовок:Праздник для воронов ледяной и огненной песни 4: Праздник вороны

Автор: Джордж Р.Р. Мартин Джордж·Р.Р. Мартин
Имя издательства: Бантам
Время публикации: 2006
Английский язык
ISBN: 9780553582024
Размер товара: 10,6 x 4,2 x 17,4 см
Упаковка: простая установка
Количество страниц: 1104

A Feast for Crows"Праздник ворона"Джордж·Р.Р. МартинсA Song of Ice and Fire"Песня льда и огня"Четвертый том в сериале также - сериал American HBO TV Hit Hite ShoutGame of Thrones"Игра престолов"Оригинальный роман.Вся книга «Песня льда и огня» имеет в общей сложности семь томов. Ледяной дождь »,« Праздник ворона »и« Демон »« безумие дракона ».В настоящее время он был переведен в более чем тридцать типов текста, с глобальными продажами более 10 миллионов и читателей с более чем 100 миллионами.


Рекомендуемая причина:
1. Американский фэнтезийный мастер Джордж·Эпический шедевр Р.Р. Мартина выиграл ряд наград, таких как награды Хьюго, Награды по туманности и трек“Национальный клад”Уровень фантастических литературных произведений;
2. Используйте технику написания персонажей POV точки. Каждая глава основана на перспективе конкретного визуального персонажа. Он описывает абзац. В следующей главе она изменяется на другой визуальный характер. Это больше похоже на фильм вместо Новая.
3. В фэнтезийных факторах, таких как суда борьба, битва и приключение туризма, романы включали исторические исторические события или традиционные мифические факторы в средневековой европейской истории.“Верхний мир”Настоящий смысл;
4. Обратите внимание на характеристику персонажей и майнинга человечества и ослабить магические элементы.“Анти -традиционный пионер”, Не только хорошо выглядеть, но и иметь новые идеи;
5. Во всем романе есть сотни персонажей, но изображение очень подробно, описание языка очень богато, и оно очень полезно для написания;
6. Сложность чтения умеренная, и есть более повторяющийся словарный запас. Язык ближе к стилю современных романов. Античный стиль этики просто для того, чтобы остановиться. Читатели, не относящиеся к английским специалистам, также легко понять.

Few books have captivated the imagination and won the devotion and praise of readers and critics everywhere as has George R. R. Martin’s monumental epic cycle of high fantasy. Now, inA Feast for Crows, Martin delivers the long-awaited fourth book of his landmark series, as a kingdom torn asunder finds itself at last on the brink of peace... only to be launched on an even more terrifying course of destruction.
“A riveting continuation of a series whose brilliance continues to dazzle.”  —Patriot News
“I always expect the best from George R. R. Martin, and he always delivers.” —Robert Jordan

A Feast for Crows"Песня льда и огня 4: Праздник вороны "



Этот том, казалось бы, слабые силы поднимаются, Джеймс захватил бегущее поле, положив конец битве пяти королей, и после короткого спокойствия это станет более сильным штормом.Новый Ван Юлун из Железных островов, государство Свободной торговли Блавраз Блаврейз“Безликий”Волшебство в Xuecheng возвращается;Пятый том вернется в бегущую Тибу, Джонн, которая восстановила великую стену, Кейтлин, остров Пасхи и Королеву Дракона.——Деннилис, они покажут нам будущую судьбу семи королевств с более зрелым отношением.
It seems too good to be true. After centuries of bitter strife and fatal treachery, the seven powers dividing the land have decimated one another into an uneasy truce. Or so it appears.... With the death of the monstrous King Joffrey, Cersei is ruling as regent in King’s Landing. Robb Stark’s demise has broken the back of the Northern rebels, and his siblings are scattered throughout the kingdom like seeds on barren soil. Few legitimate claims to the once desperately sought Iron Throne still exist—or they are held in hands too weak or too distant to wield them effectively. The war, which raged out of control for so long, has burned itself out.
But as in the aftermath of any climactic struggle, it is not long before the survivors, outlaws, renegades, and carrion eaters start to gather, picking over the bones of the dead and fighting for the spoils of the soon-to-be dead. Now in the Seven Kingdoms, as the human crows assemble over a banquet of ashes, daring new plots and dangerous new alliances are formed, while surprising faces—some familiar, others only just appearing—are seen emerging from an ominous twilight of past struggles and chaos to take up the challenges ahead.
It is a time when the wise and the ambitious, the deceitful and the strong will acquire the skills, the power, and the magic to survive the stark and terrible times that lie before them. It is a time for nobles and commoners, soldiers and sorcerers, assassins and sages to come together and stake their fortunes... and their lives. For at a feast for crows, many are the guests—but only a few are the survivors.

Джордж·R.R.Мартин(Джордж Р. Р. Мартин), американские писатели, редакторы, сценаристы и продюсеры телевизионной драмы, премия Хьюго, Премия туманности, награды по трек, награды Всемирной научной фантастики и другие литературные награды получили много раз.Мартин хорош в написании романов фантазий, научной фантастики и ужасов.Представительные работы включают в себя «свет», одну из десяти лучших романтических космических оперных оперы, «ветровой порт», образованного наградами Хьюго, «Ветром -порт», «Tufu Navigation», который глубоко любит в журнале Reader Group, и серьезный современный Современная серьезность серия фантастических романов "Песня льда и огня".Из -за славных достижений работ Мартина он был высоко оценил журнал Time As как“Толкин в Соединенных Штатах”и“Хемингуэй в новом веке”Сущность



George R. R. Martinis an American novelist and short-story writer in the fantasy, horror, and science fiction genres, a screenwriter, and television producer. He is best known for his international bestselling series of epic fantasy novels,A Song of Ice and Fire, which was later adapted into the HBO dramatic seriesGame of Thrones.
Martin serves as the series’ co-executive producer, and also scripted four episodes of the series. In 2005, Lev Grossman of Time called Martin“the American Tolkien”, and the magazine later named him one of the“2011 Time 100,” a list of the“most influential people in the world.



She dreamt she sat the Iron Throne, high above them all.
The courtiers were brightly colored mice below. Great lords and proud ladies knelt before her. Bold young knights laid their swords at her feet and pleaded for her favors, and the queen smiled down at them. Until the dwarf appeared as if from nowhere, pointing at her and howling with laughter. The lords and ladies began to chuckle too, hiding their smiles behind their hands. Only then did the queen realize she was naked.
Horrified, she tried to cover herself with her hands. The barbs and blades of the Iron Throne bit into her flesh as she crouched to hide her shame. Blood ran red down her legs, as steel teeth gnawed at her buttocks. When she tried to stand, her foot slipped through a gap in the twisted metal. The more she struggled the more the throne engulfed her, tearing chunks of flesh from her breasts and belly, slicing at her arms and legs until they were slick and red, glistening.
And all the while her brother capered below, laughing. His merriment still echoed in her ears when she felt a light touch on her shoulder, and woke suddenly. For half a heartbeat the hand seemed part of the nightmare, and Cersei cried out, but it was only Senelle. The maid’s face was white and frightened.
We are not alone, the queen realized. Shadows loomed around her bed, tall shapes with chainmail glimmering beneath their cloaks. Armed men had no business here.
Where are my guards? Her bedchamber was dark, but for the lantern one of the intruders held on high. I must show no fear. Cersei pushed back sleep-tousled hair, and said,“What do you want of me?” A man stepped into the lantern light, and she saw his cloak was white.“Jaime?” I dreamt of one brother, but the other has come to wake me.
“Your Grace.” The voice was not her brother’s.“The Lord Commander said come get you.” His hair curled, as Jaime’s did, but her brother’s hair was beaten gold, like hers, where this man’s was black and oily. She stared at him, confused, as he muttered about a privy and a crossbow, and said her father’s name. I am dreaming still, Cersei thought. I have not woken, nor has my nightmare ended. Tyrion will creep out from under the bed soon and begin to laugh at me.
But that was folly. Her dwarf brother was down in the black cells, condemned to die this very day. She looked down at her hands, turning them over to make certain all her fingers were still there. When she ran a hand down her arm the skin was covered with gooseprickles, but unbroken. There were no cuts on her legs, no gashes on the soles of her feet. A dream, that’s all it was, a dream. I drank too much last night, these fears are only humors born of wine. I will be the one laughing, come dusk. My children will be safe, Tommen’s throne will be secure, and my twisted little valonqar will be short a head and rotting.
Jocelyn Swyft was at her elbow, pressing a cup on her. Cersei took a sip: water, mixed with lemon squeezings, so tart she spit it out. She could hear the night wind rattling the shutters, and she saw with a strange sharp clarity. Jocelyn was trembling like a leaf, as frightened as Senelle. Ser Osmund Kettleblack loomed over her. Behind him stood Ser Boros Blount, with a lantern. At the door were Lannister guardsmen with gilded lions shining on the crests of their helmets. They looked afraid as well. Can it be? the queen wondered. Can it be true?
She rose, and let Senelle slip a bedrobe over her shoulders to hide her nakedness. Cersei belted it herself, her fingers stiff and clumsy.“My lord father keeps guards about him, night and day,” she said. Her tongue felt thick. She took another swallow of lemon water and sloshed it round her mouth to freshen her breath. A moth had gotten into the lantern Ser Boros was holding; she could hear it buzzing and see the shadow of its wings as it beat against the glass.
“The guards were at their posts, Your Grace,” said Osmund Kettleblack.“We found a hidden door behind the hearth. A secret passage. The Lord Commander’s gone down to see where it goes.”
“Jaime?” Terror seized her, sudden as a storm.“Jaime should be with the king...”
“The lad’s not been harmed. Ser Jaime sent a dozen men to look in on him. His Grace is sleeping peaceful.” Let him have a sweeter dream than mine, and a kinder waking.“Who is with the king?”
“Ser Loras has that honor, if it please you.”
It did not please her. The Tyrells were only stewards that the dragon-kings had upjumped far above their station. Their vanity was exceeded only by their ambition.
Ser Loras might be as pretty as a maiden’s dream, but underneath
his white cloak he was Tyrell to the bone. For all she knew, this night’s foul fruit had been planted and nurtured in Highgarden.
But that was a suspicion she dare not speak aloud.
“Allow me a moment to dress. Ser Osmund, you shall accompany me to the Tower of the Hand. Ser Boros, roust the gaolers and make certain the dwarf is still in his cell.” She would not say his name. He would never have found the courage to lift a hand against Father, she told herself, but she had to be certain.
“As Your Grace commands.” Blount surrendered the lantern to Ser Osmund. Cersei was not displeased to see the back of him. Father should never have restored him to the white. The man had proved himself a craven. By the time they left Maegor’s Holdfast, the sky had turned a deep cobalt blue, though the stars still shone. All but one, Cersei thought. The bright star of the west has fallen, and the nights will be darker now. She paused upon the drawbridge that spanned the dry moat, gazing down at the spikes below. They would not dare lie to me about such a thing.“Who found him?”
“One of his guards,” said Ser Osmund.“Lum. He felt a call of nature, and found his lordship in the privy.”
No, that cannot be. That is not the way a lion dies. The queen felt strangely calm. She remembered the first time she had lost a tooth, when she was just a little girl. It hadn’t hurt, but the hole in her mouth felt so odd she could not stop touching it with her tongue. Now there is a hole in the world where Father stood, and holes want filling.