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Zend Studio 13.6.1 鑻 Disted 枃鐗

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Официальная домашняя страница:http://www.zend.com/
Скачать испытания: https://pages.zend.com/studiotrynow.html
Введение программного обеспечения:

Zend Studio is a PHP integrated development environment designed to ease the work of PHP developers. The program is a full-featured code editing and debugging application that provides programmers with comprehensive facilities for speeding up the software development process.

Develop and Maintain Code Faster
Zend Studio is the only Integrated Development Environment (PHP IDE) available for professional developers providing the capabilities needed to develop business applications. Features like refactoring, code generation, code assist and semantic analysis combine to enable rapid application development on both the server side (in PHP) and the browser side (in JavaScript). Zend Studio also makes it simple to develop in a production-like environment by integrating with VMware Workstation for running and debugging PHP applications.

Find and Solve Problems Quickly
Zend Studio provides comprehensive debugging and testing support that helps you analyze and resolve problems quickly. Through support for both local and remote (on server) debugging, integrated PHP and JavaScript debugging, profiling, code inspection& quick fix, test generation& reporting, you have the tools you need to diagnose and resolve application problems quickly while ensuring your code starts out correctly. Tight integration with Zend Server speeds root cause analysis of problems detected in testing, staging or the production environment.

Work With the Cloud
Zend Studio была разработана с учетом разработки облаков. Он позволяет кодировать, используя облако Zend Deverter на phpcloud.com в качестве вашего времени выполнения Deverteropment - теперь вы можете использовать мгновенно доступную, последовательную среду PHP, которая обеспечивает превосходную отладку, повышение производительности и цвет Cloud. Это Allier, чем когда -либо, развернуть приложения PHP в любую из выбранных сторон.

And if you work with Amazon Web Services, you'll find it easier than ever to leverage services like EC2, S3, and others using the AWS toolkit built into Zend Studio 9.

Improve Team Collaboration
Zend Studio enhances productivity with team-oriented development features, such as support for source configuration management (Git, GitHub, CVS, SVN) and shared project settings. These features help improve collaboration between project members.

Zend Studio Features

- Installation / Documentation / Support
- IBM i Support
- Zend Framework Integration
- Cloud Support
- PHP Refactoring
- PHP Code Generation
- PHP Editor and File Management
- JavaScript Support
- HTML& CSS Support
- PHP Debugging
- Zend Server Integration
- PHP Unit Testing
- Remote and Virtual Systems
- Database Connectivity
- Source Control
- Miscellaneous
- Zend Studio 5.X Migration